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Nuove foto aggiunte
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Sii sempre padre! - General Congregation 36
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Prima conferenza stampa di p. Arturo Sosa SJ
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Jesuit Networking
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Global Jesuit work in the environment | Ecology and Jesuits in Communication
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One Response to Opportunities and priorities in moving a common global plan: Laudato si’ and the Path to COP22 Marrakech pedro walpole on 7 October 2016 at 3:16 am Marrakech was host to the 9th COP meeting but this one is critical in...
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La Civiltà cattolica
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La prima omelia del Generale dei Gesuiti, p. Arturo Sosa SJ
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GC36 - Passing of the Torch
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Padre Arturo Sosa Sj, 31° generale della Compagnia di Gesù - General Congregation 36
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