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* ECJA Fall Meeting 2022 a Vienna *

Cari amici,
l'ECJA Meeting a Vienna,si svolgerà l'ultimo fine settimana di settembre 2022, da venerdì 23 a domenica 25.

Il programma definitivo sarà stabilito e comunicato successivamente.

L'iscrizione può essere effettuata online o con scrivendo a Claudia Dräxler: [email protected] Chris Thurlimann: chris.thurlimann@gmail.

Il link al modulo di registrazione è:

Notare che:
Si prega di prenotare la vostra camera il prima possibile tramite gli organizzatori dell'incontro con il modulo di registrazione online - o inviando il modulo di registrazione.
Per ottenere una prenotazione garantita, è necessario compilare tutte le informazioni richieste.

Giovedì gli ECE-Alumni (da Austria, Germania, Lituania e Svizzera) visiteranno l'Aloysian College di Linz. Il treno parte dalla stazione centrale di Vienna alle 10:15 e arriva a Linz alle 11:33.

Successivamente verrà comunicato un programma.

Per favore informate Hans Hammerschmied: [email protected] se avete bisogno di qualcos'altro.

Si prega di rispondere al più tardi entro il 15.8.2022 a Claudia Dräxler: [email protected] Chris Thurlimann: chris.thurlimann@gmail.
and to Chris Thurlimann: [email protected]

Please return the inscription form to Claudia Dräxler:

until 15th August 2022

Chiediamo a tutte le federazioni e associazioni di sponsorizzare uno o più dei loro giovani alumni, per consentire loro di partecipare all'ECJA Meeting di Vienna.

Questa è anche un'ottima occasione per attirare giovani alumni per attività nelle nostre federazioni e associazioni!

E tutto da fare,

Chris Thurlimann
Segretario della Confederazione Europea dei Gesuiti Alumni/ae
[email protected]


Program for the VIENNA MEETING 23 th to 25 th September 2022

Altkalksburger Vereinigung, Ballhausplatz 1/7, Amalientrakt Innerer Burghof, 1010 Vienna, Austria; Mobile: +43 664 527 42 44

Friday, 23 th September 2022:

For delegates, accompanying persons and guests
15.45 Meet the others at the Guesthouse, DEUTSCHER ORDEN (Teutonic Order) 1010 Vienna, Singerstraße 7/1.
16.00 Guided walk through the centre of Vienna
16.30 Guided tour of the Capuchin Crypt about
18.00 Walk to the Altkalksburger Club, 1010 Vienna, Ballhausplatz 1/7, Amalientrakt, Innerer Burghof Cocktail Reception

Saturday, 24 th September 2022:

For delegates:
8.45 Meeting at the Altkalksburger Club
9.00 Prayer.
9.15 1st working session:
-1) Evaluation of the report of the previous meeting.
-2) Evaluation of the World Congress 2022 Barcelona
-3) News from the bureau.
. - Financial Situation
. - Outstanding Contributions
. - Budget 2022
4) New Statues for legalizing ECJA as a Belgian entity and getting the approval of the King Baudouin Foundation for the Friends of ECJA Fund (transnational giving)
-5) Review of actions - as president and as secretary - for the alumni movement, the Jesuit Fathers and for you. 2
10.15 Coffee break
10.45-12.15 Continuation of the 1st working session: 6) Election of the officers (president and secretary, confirmation of the treasurer) 7) Speech of the new president
12.30 Lunch at the Altkalksburger Club together with the others
13.15 Walk to the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna (KHM) 1010 Vienna, Maria-Theresien-Platz
13.30 to 14.30 Guided Tour: “The Art in the Age of the Counter Reformation”, KHM
14.45 2nd working session (main conference room) Aloysian College, Linz/Austria: from a Jesuit school to a Catholic school run by a school association (consisting of SJ, Diocese and Jesuit alumni)
16.00 Coffee Break
16.30 3rd working session (main conference room) News from the federations.
18.00 End of 3rd working session.

Social program for accompanying persons and guests:
9.15 Guided Tour: Mozart and Beethoven in Vienna (Meeting Point: Guesthouse DEUTSCHER ORDEN (Teutonic Order),
1010 Vienna, Singerstraße 7/1)
12.30 Lunch at the Altkalksburger Club together with delegates
13.15 Walk to the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna (KHM), 1010 Vienna, Maria-Theresien-Platz
13.30 to 14.30 Guided Tour: “The Art in the Age of the Counter-Reformation”, KHM
14.30 to 19.00 free time Evening program for delegates, accompanying persons and guests:
19.15 Concert by Marija and Leva DUDAITE in the Concert Hall of the UNIVERSITY of MUSIC at the former Ursuline Monastery, 1010 Vienna, Johannesgasse 8
20.30 Followed by Festive Dinner at the same venue. 3

Sunday, 25 th September 2022:

For delegates:
8.30 4 th working session - Guesthouse DEUTSCHER ORDEN (Teutonic Order)
. 1) Continuation: News from the federations.
. 2) News from WUJA.
. 3) Canonisation of Fr Pedro Arrupe.
. 4) UNAEC-Europe.
. 5) Miscellaneous
10.00 End of 4th working session.

For delegates, accompanying persons and guests:
10.30 to 12.00 Holy Mass at the Jesuit Church 1010 Vienna, Dr.-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz accompanied by the famous “Orchestra and Choir St. Augustin”
12.00 to 12.30 Guided Tour through the Jesuit church, one of the most important baroque churches of Vienna
12.45 Optional Lunch at Café Prückel, 1010 Vienna, Stubenring 24 4 Confédération Européenne des Ancien(ne)s Elèves des Pères Jésuites European Confederation of Jesuit Alumni/ae

Practical information (Numbers in Map):
1 Accommodation: Guesthouse DEUTSCHER ORDEN (Teutonic Order), 1010 Vienna, Singerstraße 7/1
2 Meeting venue: Altkalksburger Club (AKV), 1010 Vienna, Ballhausplatz 1/7, Amalientrakt, Innerer Burghof
3 Capuchin crypt, 1010 Vienna, Tegetthoffstraße 2
4 Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna (KHM), 1010 Vienna, Maria-Theresien-Platz
5 Concert Hall of the UNIVERSITY of MUSIC at the former Ursuline Monastery, 1010 Vienna, Johannesgasse 8
6 Jesuit Church (Jesuitenkirche), 1010 Vienna, Doktor-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 1
7 Sunday Lunch at Café Prückel, 1010 Vienna, Stubenring 24

Transfer from the Airport to Wien Mitte/Landstraße

CAT = City Airport Train from the airport to Wien Mitte in 16 minutes: ticket 12.00 € / online 11.00 €
Railway from the airport to Wien Mitte in appr. 30 minutes: 4.20 € (including the ticket for the U3, please enter the subway station “Stephansplatz” as the destination when buying a ticket).

Transfer from Wien Mitte/Landstraße to Stephansplatz

U3 – to Stephansplatz, Single-Ticket 2,40 €
2 minutes walking distance to the Guesthouse DEUTSCHER ORDEN

Taxi from the Airport to the Guest House DEUTSCHER ORDEN (Teutonic Order), 1010 Vienna, Singerstraße 7/1
approximately 35-40 €

For more information concerning the practical organisation, please contact: Altkalksburger Vereinigung: Ballhausplatz 1/7, 1010 Wien, [email protected] mobil: +43 664 527 42 44 (Claudia Dräxler) Hans Hammerschmied: hammerschmied*